While I was sitting at the Cider House on Roncy recently I remarked at just how far Ontario has come in terms of great cider. While beer has generally been the main focus for years, we’ve gone from having very few craft ciders and no festivals to several festivals a year and hundreds of craft… Read More

While Niagara and the surrounding areas generally get the most fanfare here in Toronto, there is something to be said for the quality of the wine that comes out of Prince Edward County. According to the press release I got from Drink Inc, it turns out that PEC is the worlds fastest growing wine region.… Read More

We love food and we love beer, which is why we absolutely love food and beer pairings. In fact, our friend Doug Appledoorn himself said he believes beer pairs far better with food than wine ever could. I don’t know if I 100% agree (I love food and wine pairings) but we can all agree… Read More

You may have noticed a bit of an up-tick in these preview posts. This is because with the sun and heat come booze festival after booze festival and it’s hard for me to complain! The Toronto Cider Fest has been around for two previous years so far, both of which were held at Dundas Square. This… Read More