These anniversaries only come as a surprise to me! Has it really been 5 years of Toronto Booze Hound? Hell yeah it has. 5 years of reviews, 5 years of event previews, 5 years of news and more. It’s kind of mind blowing to think about how much we’ve written in that time and how much has changed.

We no longer describe beers as “hoppy” for one. We built a “where to drink in Toronto” page that is insanely helpful for locals and travellers alike. Our reviews have gone from an average of ~100 words (when we wrote posts daily) to now well over ~300 to ~400 per review with many getting into the several thousand.

We’ve actually written over 450 posts!

Something you might notice is that the site is suddenly way faster! This is because I finally got around to upgrading our PhP to the newest version which also means I upgraded a whole bunch of other stuff on the server. This means the site will load WAY faster for everyone.

Thanks for five years everyone!

Kole McRae

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