Mazel Tov, it’s a winemaking miracle. This year, you don’t have to drink Manischewitz at your Seder. Locavores can sip and savour a Kosher for Passover Niagara Peninsula VQA wine, courtesy of Tzafona Cellars, based out of their parent winery, Diamond Estates Wines & Spirits in Niagara-on-the-Lake. Last year, we dropped the Kosher for Passover… Read More

Every time I curiously grab a can of Mascot Pilsner in the LCBO, Kole gently shakes his head and puts it back on the shelf. We haven’t had a much success at that bar, and we’ve kind of given up on it. But I was in the LCBO unsupervised on Sunday, so I decided to… Read More

I won’t let Kole near my wine racks. Every time he tries to pick out a wine for dinner, I shoo him away with the explanation that I’m “saving” that wine for something specific. “Not that wine, it’s too light for our dish.” He’ll shrug and grab a different bottle. “Hmm not that one, the… Read More